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Thanks for your perfect tuto, very useful for me. May be a suggestion : it would be nice to have the possibility to download your files (psd, html, css ) in order to repeat the exercise at home.
AMAZING video! I think you should do what you suggested and break the video up into different parts. This is an incredible tutorial, but unfortunately people would see the 2 hour run time and not bother watching it. In seperate parts you’d get more views and more recognition for your work.
Anyway amazing stuff! Thanks a lot for doing this!
Great tutorial. One question. Why are you using background images on the app buttons and nav buttons instead of an inset box shadow? It seems to me that box shadow gives a much better looking result (ie, it curves at the rounded edges instead of simply continuing in a straight line until the edge.) Other than that, loved the tutorial. Had never sliced before. This made it seem relatively easy for a beginner. Thank you.
Fantastic video, my man! Very informational, and you move fast.
Thanks for your perfect tuto, very useful for me. May be a suggestion : it would be nice to have the possibility to download your files (psd, html, css ) in order to repeat the exercise at home.
AMAZING video! I think you should do what you suggested and break the video up into different parts. This is an incredible tutorial, but unfortunately people would see the 2 hour run time and not bother watching it. In seperate parts you’d get more views and more recognition for your work.
Anyway amazing stuff! Thanks a lot for doing this!
btw very good video it is awesome
Awesome Tutorial. Thank you.
Excellent post. Thank you so much!
Some of the techniques you are using are pretty old. You can save a lot of time with Photoshop CC, HTML5 & CSS3
+Shantha Abeyrathne (Shan)
how…can you point to a tutorial for converting psd to html and css3
WOW thanks a lot, i learned a lot of stuff here.
awesome..i am learning a lot
Amazing tut, thankyou for the help!
Great tutorial. One question. Why are you using background images on the app buttons and nav buttons instead of an inset box shadow? It seems to me that box shadow gives a much better looking result (ie, it curves at the rounded edges instead of simply continuing in a straight line until the edge.) Other than that, loved the tutorial. Had never sliced before. This made it seem relatively easy for a beginner. Thank you.
Thanks Jeff! You rock. (Period)
I am always happy to learn something new from Jeffrey! thank you for this video, it was great! 🙂
Nice teaching about workflow, this is rare information to get.
thanks bro for give amazing videos and PSD file..
… awesome job tnx ! …
Wao Great..and Thanks This is very helpful for me ..
This is great work!! Where can i find source file?
PSD Assets: http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-promotional-iphone-app-site-in-photoshop–psd-5076
Click ‘Download Attachment’ on the right side of the page.
Thanks for reply. YOU REALLY ARE THE BEST !!
this video is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen